Mission and Ministry Council
The administrative functions of Immanuel are primarily the responsibility of the Mission and Ministry Council ("MMC") and any such committees established by the MMC. The role of the MMC is to develop policies as required to execute the goals approved by the Voters' Assembly. The eleven voting members consist of the four officers and seven members-at-large elected by the Voters' Assembly. At-large members serve three-year terms and officers serve two-year terms, with approximately one-third of the Council being elected each year.
- The Chairperson presides at all meetings of the Voters' Assembly and the MMC, enforces the Constitution and Bylaws of Immanuel Lutheran Church, and performs duties common to this office as well as those directed by the Voters' Assembly.
- The Vice Chairperson performs all the duties of the Chairperson in the latter's absence and such other additional duties as may be directed by the Voters' Assembly or the Chairperson. In addition, the Vice Chairperson appoints and presides over the Nominating Committee.
- The Secretary performs the duties customary to the office, especially the keeping and preserving of accurate records of all Voters' Assembly meetings and handling such correspondence as the congregation requires. In addition, the Secretary keeps and makes available minutes of all MMC meetings.
- The Treasurer keeps and preserves accurate records of all receipts and disbursements and submits a written report of them at all regular meetings of the Voters' Assembly and assures accuracy and propriety of all financial transactions of the congregation.
- The At-Large members attend all MMC meetings and perform other such duties as needed for the MMC.
The current members of the Missions and Ministry Council are pictured below.
Feel free to contact the Congregation Chairperson anytime with questions or concerns at chairperson_mmc@ilcsbatavia.org.