OCC Volunteer Opportunity

OCC Volunteer Opportunity

Wed, Nov 29, 1:00-4:00PM
Come work at the Operation Christmas Child Aurora Processing Center alongside the Women’s Bible Study group on November 29 from 1-4 pm. There are openings for 6 more people to join us. There will be standing jobs and sitting jobs if necessary.  It’s a lot of fun plus you get to see firsthand the fruits of your shoebox labors and pray over boxes which will go to either Chile, Paraguay, Jamaica, Bahamas, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Grenada, and a sensitive country.  If you would like to participate or have questions, email Sara Harms at sbharms56@gmail.com.  The Aurora Processing Center is located at 800 N Commerce St. Aurora.

Wed, Nov 29, 7:00-10:00PM
The Wednesday evening women’s Bible study group will also be volunteering at OCC for an evening session. There are still spots available if anyone else would like to join this evening session! Anyone 13 years and older is welcome to attend. If you’d like to participate please email Erica Ciro at eciro65@gmail.com so she can send you an official invite.