Ash Wednesday Services
Wednesday, Feb 14
Full Service at 6:30PM
15-Minute Service Shorts at 7:30AM, 10:00AM, Noon, and 2:00PM
Join us for worship! Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent - a season of reflection, repentance, and preparation for Easter. All services will include the imposition of ashes, a tradition where ashes are applied to your forehead (or optionally your hand) in the shape of a cross, symbolizing mortality, repentance, and renewal in Christ. Holy Communion will be offered during the Full Service only; this sacred tradition is a profound means of grace, through which we remember Christ's sacrifice and are nourished for our spiritual journey. NEW this year, we are offering several service shorts throughout the day. These 15-minute services will include a time for confession and forgiveness, the imposition of ashes, and a message; these are great to attend before work, during a break, or if you're unable to attend the full evening service.