Saving Work Continued through the Spirit
Pastor Eric Kennaugh - 5/28/2023
Pentecost proves for God’s people that Jesus remains at work in our midst. As we read the story of Pentecost in Acts 2, we see that the ascension departure of Jesus some ten days beforehand is not the end of His work in this world. Far from it! Jesus continues His saving work through the Spirit, whom He poured out upon the lives of His earliest followers. This same Spirit of Jesus enables us to carry His message into all the world. We are the messengers who spread the Good News of Him who was crucified for us, who rose again, who reigns on high, and who will one day return to this world in His full, heavenly glory. We listen to His message today as the Spirit brings it into our midst and are assured that as we are brought to faith in Christ, we receive the fullness of who we’ve been called to be.